Live Blood Analysis, through ultra dark field microscopy, has been practiced now for over 100 years. It was developed in Germany by scientists and doctors. LBA gives a unique perspective on an individual's health by viewing nearly invisible micro-organisms in the blood, the red blood cells , the immune system white cells and a host of other elements floating in the plasma of your blood. It's a powerful way to assess the overall balance of your internal terrain which allows us to see where your health program needs to start in order for you to reach your optimal health.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Nutrition and the Brain

I have been flying through the last two courses of my RNH studies. The information is so exciting and gravitating but the one area that really got my attention is how Nutrtion affects the brain.
It really opened my eyes. When our nutrition is poor we can all understand how it can physically affect our liver , heart etc, but most of us don't realize what great affects bad nutiriton can have on our brains. If our brains are not functionally ideally the symptoms are endless and the consequences can be very vast as our brain controls our thoughts, decisions and actions.
Brain health is fully dependent on good nutrition. We often judge people with mental illness and see them in a different light than those that may have heart disease or kidney disease, but the brain is just one more organ that needs specific nutrients in order to operate optimally.
It really made me wonder about all the people locked up in prison and institutions, and all the school kids that are controlled with Ritalin. How much does nutritional deficiencess and toxic exposures play in where they are now? I think it's time to bring nutrition education to the forefront.

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