Live Blood Analysis, through ultra dark field microscopy, has been practiced now for over 100 years. It was developed in Germany by scientists and doctors. LBA gives a unique perspective on an individual's health by viewing nearly invisible micro-organisms in the blood, the red blood cells , the immune system white cells and a host of other elements floating in the plasma of your blood. It's a powerful way to assess the overall balance of your internal terrain which allows us to see where your health program needs to start in order for you to reach your optimal health.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Do You Treat Your Car Better Than Your Body?

As I further myself in my studies I just can't stress enough how taking a few steps towards a healthier lifestyle and diet can take you leaps towards preventing disease.
It may be true that some disease falls in one's lap but for the most part we create disease. Our bodies are absolutely amazing and if we really knew the damage and hardship that we submit to our bodies on a daily basis I think that we would all think twice about our lifestyle and our diet.
Could you imagine owning a Lamborghini...never changing the oil, using dirty fuel, and driving it off-road on a daily basis and than complaining when it starts to spit and sputter and break down?
Our bodies handle all the neglect and abuse way better than any vehicle or machine because our bodies have the ability to repair themselves. We have a whole staff of housekeepers, armed guards and repairmen on duty 24/7. If we overload our staff things start to pileup. Have you seen the show Hoarders?
If you want to learn the simple steps that you and your family can take to ease the load your body give me a call.

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