Live Blood Analysis, through ultra dark field microscopy, has been practiced now for over 100 years. It was developed in Germany by scientists and doctors. LBA gives a unique perspective on an individual's health by viewing nearly invisible micro-organisms in the blood, the red blood cells , the immune system white cells and a host of other elements floating in the plasma of your blood. It's a powerful way to assess the overall balance of your internal terrain which allows us to see where your health program needs to start in order for you to reach your optimal health.

Monday, March 12, 2012

$10 recommendation prevents amputation

Making the changes in career over the past few years has been overwhelming at times. Time, money, and brain overload have been at the forefront of nearly every day. It is stories like the one below that make it all worth while and inspire me to keep going. It is a story of where a simple 30 minute Live Blood Analysis appointment forever changed the course of a young womans life.
In February of this year, a woman in her 20's was brought into my instructor's office by her mother. They were desparately looking for answers as the young woman was scheduled to have her left leg removed in two weeks, as it had turned black from lack of proper circulation. They gave her maximum of two years before the right leg would have to be removed as well. She had lived with this problem for 7 years and was on high levels of morphine to combat the pain. My instructor had been recommended by a friend but the family was skeptical.
My instructor viewed her blood and said that her artery walls had lost their integrity, collapsing and limiting the flow of blood. Taking copper would help the walls return to proper function and adding gingko short term would improve circulation.
The mother was quite angry and felt that they had wasted their time and money coming to see her. " They are about to cut off her leg and you are telling me that a $10 bottle of copper is all that you can offer us?' They left angry but took the products with them.
A week later they phoned the office. Her pain was all gone and the legs were returning to proper color. Her biggest problem was trying to ween herself off of the morphine as she was experienceing bad withdrawal symptoms.
The day before her scheduled surgey she returned for another Live Blood Analysis which was two weeks after taking the copper and gingko. Her legs were completely normal! She no longer required the amputation. She went in the next day to show the surgeon that he could cancel the surgery.
Obviously they are very thankful that they followed through on their friends advice to get a live blood analysis and also that they followed through with the simple recommendations. The parents were so amazed that they too have booked their own appointments for a live blood analysis.
To me this is an example that one should use every kind of testing available to them as they all have their limitations. Luckily, for this young woman she found the answer before it was too late.